
Teaching Kids More Than One Language

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Teaching Kids More Than One Language

Hello, I am Olivia Weurst. I am a strong supporter of teaching kids more than one language by the end of elementary school. With the world rapidly expanding, kids will need to speak several different languages to reach outside of their communities. Teaching kids just one extra language makes it easier to pick up other forms of speech later on. Kids take to languages quickly while enrolled in immersion programs. These programs mix the use of two languages to allow kids to pick up vocabulary quickly. I hope to explore all of the different language education programs for kids through my site. Parents and teachers can use the information on my site to help their kids expand their worldview and language abilities. Thank you.

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How Daycare Instructors Can Handle Children With Ease

Teaching young children is certainly a challenge, and parents know that raising kids is a tough job. For daycare workers and teachers at centers like Mountainside School, the job is exponentially challenging thanks to the sheer number of children they have to watch over each day. For those working in the daycare sector, it's important to know how to deal with young children in a manner that gives them a nurturing environment while making sure they're following all of the rules. Here are some ways daycare workers can ensure they have success when dealing with their classes.

Structure And Routine

Children need structure in order to understand how to follow instructions and manage their time. In a daycare setting, this is especially important. Making nap time the same set period each day will get young children into the routine of knowing when it's time to settle down and get ready to sleep. Story time just before a nap can help kids ease into this time of day and it helps get their attention in a quiet setting. A successful daycare instructor creates a schedule and sticks to it so that the kids know when it's time for a nap, a snack, or time to play.

Mean What You Say

All too often, parents and teachers will ask children to do a specific thing and then allow them to continue playing or running around without being firm in their instructions. In order to be successful in this venture, instructors should mean what they say and stay firm in their request. If children don't listen, you can employ tactics such as flashing the lights on and off or giving warnings to get kids to listen. You can be gentle yet firm in your tone, but it's important to be serious about your requests so that children realize there are consequences if they disobey.

Make It Fun

It's a known fact that young children have very short attention spans. This often means that getting the group together to participate in activities can be a difficult task. In order to foster a fun environment where kids will learn and enjoy their daycare experience, getting creative is essential. Come up with new games, craft projects, and songs that will keep kids engaged throughout the day. You can even host special dress-up days or fun themed events that will help kids look forward to daycare and keep them happy. Use music, touch toys, and visual tools to help spark young imaginations and encourage learning in a place where children will feel at home while their parents are away, and you'll be successful in managing your daycare students.